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Premiere: 'Precious Stone' / Oliver Mann and Stefano Pilia [Eastmint Records]

Experimental artist Oliver Mann and Bologna based composer Stefano Pilia combine for transcendental electro-folk single “Precious Stone”

“Precious Stone” is an invitation to enter the fantastical dream world that Oliver Mann and Stefano Pilia have curated, flooded with breathy falsetto vocals ad a low lyrical undertow of warmth. Also featured on the track in full depth is guitarist Mick Turner, whose loose metres and distorted harmonics supplement the creation with an aptitude for reflection and knack for heart-wrenching plucking. The gentle guitar riffs hang over the whimsical pads and mellifluous vocal harmonies like a moth to a flame.

The outcome is an ethereal ballad ripe with emotion and a call to arms for overcoming solitude.

Listen to “Precious Stone” and watch the film clip below:

Alongside the song is an animated film clip by Mark Rodda, which shows a maternal duck carry children on it's back through swampy nature akin to that of Where the Wild Things Are. The video is a perfect accompaniment to the affective song; light and delicate, more of an observation of the beautiful intricacies in nature that surround us than an in-your-face bombardment of themes.

Such a captivating and gentle number, it’s hard to believe that Mann and Pilia created this special track from other sides of the globe. If this is just the debut single from the forthcoming album, the rest are sure to be as wondrous and enthralling as “Precious Stone”.

The full album Precious Moments by Mann and Pilia releases on limited edition cassette via Eastmint early next year.

Stay up to date with Oliver Mann and Stefano Pilia on Instagram and Eastmint on and Instagram

Header image still from video by Mike Rodda

Thank you for reading this article. Before you leave the page, we’d like you to take a moment to read this statement.  We are asking our readers to take action and stand with the BIPOC community who fight and endure the oppression and injustice of racial inequality. 

Here in ‘Australia’,  Indigenous people are the most incarcerated population on Earth. Countless lives have been murdered by white police, white government policies and this country’s white history, institutionalised colonialism and ongoing racial oppression. Racial injustice continues today under the phoney, self-congratulatory politics of ‘Reconciliation’ and the notion that colonialism is something that must be denied and forgotten, an uncomfortable artefact of the past.

Feeling guilty is not enough. We must take action, pay the rent, educate ourselves and acknowledge that empathy and sorrow for past actions is insufficient if this does nothing to prevent our current reality from extending into the future.

Please consider making donations to the following organisations (the list is so small and the work to be done is so large, do your research to find more grassroots, Indigenous-lead community organisations):