
Scope it

'Engagements with Twilight' / Tim Coad

Engagements with Twilight

Golden light seeps through the cracks in the sky. 
It shimmers through your hair and it paints your skin,
and then it disappears and the sky is cold and blue.

It touches your skin and you become fleshy, 
veins and blood come to the surface,

and highlight the fact

That you are alive and could be dead,
like when the sun slips behind the hill.

Tim Coad is a Melbourne, Victoria, based multi-media artist. Coad creates large scale photographs, with a focus on portraits, to evoke an immersive, intimate environment. His work explores the threshold and tenuous grip we have on life and also deals with the tensions of shifting self-identity and loss of place that we experience in life. 

Coad's series 'Engagements with Twilight' was exhibited at Brunswick Street Gallery in February 2017. 

The image titled 'Engagement, 8' is currently being exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra, as part of the National Photographic Portraiture Prize 2018. 

'Engagement, 8'

'Engagement, 8'